1. Could you date someone taller than you?
- Aku tak pilih bulu. ok?
2. When was the last time something bothered you?
- Last night. Ade jek bende tak best terjadik.
3. What do you hate right now?
- My work. Nonsense~
4. What are you watching?
- Right now, ko je la monitor..
5. What do you think of this person you took this from?
- Menci.. semlm ko takmo temankan aku pun..
6. Where was your default picture (of your blog) taken?
- Motorola V3x kaler pink.. ahax~
7. Who was your last text from?
- Ekin jkr
8. What's the most interesting thing that you did today?
- Siapkan satu technical doc for invoicing. i hate this job! seriously!
9. What's your favorite number?
- 3. hidup aku byk no 3. yay!!
10. Are you single?
- Not available.. Eheh..
11. What is your current mood?
- Bored.. i don't know why..
12. Last people you hung out with?
- Opismate. Lunch ikan bakar same2.
13. What sports do you enjoy playing?
- Futsal. Aku bleh sepak bdk2 lain jugak. Yay!!
14. Do you have a crazy side?
- Mestilah.. Aku punye gelak je, orang lain dah jadik pelik.. Muahaha..
15. Ever had a near death experience?
- Penah.. Rupenye mimpi jek.. Eheh..
16. What was the highlight of your week?
- My 25th birthday.. i'm getting older dude.. :(
17. Could you date someone who was a bad kisser?
- Noob..
18. Who would be the first to know if you got someone pregnant/got pregnant?
- My hubby.. hahah..
19. What's the last thing someone said to you?
- Thank u.. Amoi, lain kali i belanja u lunch, ok? Me sengih je..
20. Where is your phone?
- Charging
21. Do you like cuddling?
- Me suke..
22. Have you ever been given an engagement ring?
- Harhar~ aje giler..
23. Would you ever date a friend’s ex?
- Sape?
24. What is the last thing you thought about?
- MASAOT.. my kancil.. eheh.. byk tul jasa ko..
25. When is your birthday?
- 30 March. The day after tomorrow. :) Wink*
26. How do you feel about your hair right now?
- Sudah panjang ye..
27. Do you miss anyone?
- Absolutely.. I miss him so much..
28. What do you miss most about the past?
- Nek joyah..
29. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
- Yessss...
30. One last word to person who gonna be reading your survey:
- Please try to hate me..
P/S: Yoyok, ko kna tag.. ko kan rajin nak buat tag. Wiwin, ko pun kna tag gak.. Post entry pasal aku ye.. Sue pun same. Ko kan becoming birthday girl gak..